On Saturday, December 21 at 2:03 p.m. EST, the Syracuse University community gathered in person and virtually for the annual Pan Am Flight 103 memorial service. The service, hosted by the Dean and Chaplains of Hendricks Chapel in partnership with the Office of Alumni Engagement and the Remembrance and Lockerbie Scholars, honored the 270 people, including Syracuse University study abroad students, who were killed when Pan Am Flight 103 was destroyed by a terrorist bomb over Lockerbie, Scotland on that date and time 36 years ago. A recording of the service is available below.

In addition to the University’s annual memorial service, ceremonies were also held in the community of Lockerbie, Scotland and by the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc. (VPAF103, Inc.) at Arlington National Cemetery at the Lockerbie Memorial Cairn. A recording of the annual ceremony held at the Cairn is available through the VPAF103, Inc. website at this link.

Remembrances for the 2024 Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial Service

The following remembrances were submitted in advance of the 2024 annual memorial service hosted by Syracuse University:

This horrific and cowardly terrorist attack marked the lives of everyone in the SU community. We all knew someone on that flight, and we all saw each other in the mirror: it could have been any of us. May the memories of those we lost live in our hearts forever, and give comfort to their friends and families. #neverforget – Ricardo Aponte-Parsi ’91

I recall vividly where I was on campus when I heard about that horrible event. I was in University Arms, which was torn down a few years after I graduated SU (Class of ’91) The sadness was overwhelming and I can not believe that it has been 36 years now. Every time I am on campus, which is frequent as my son is a senior at SU (Falk College ’25), I always take a moment to visit the memorial in front of The Hall of Languages to take a minute to reflect on this tragedy. – William August ’91, P’25

In loving memory of Cindy Smith. We continue to look back and act forward. Remembrance Scholar 2016-17. 🕊️ – Clayton Baker ’17

Eternally optimistic, today and everyday, in memory of Mark Lawrence Tobin. – Julie Bengis ’16

This was such a senseless tragedy. I remember the ceremony in the Carrier Dome like it was yesterday. I was a freshman at SU at the time and my roommate and I attended the ceremony for the victims. This memorial is a wonderful way to bring people together to honor the students and remember those that were on the flight. Thank you. – Donna Blasie ’92

All were so beautiful. Some, I knew. One was a close co-worker. Another, a best friend, I thought was dead for three days until finding out he didn’t get on the plane. I was at the basketball game when they made the announcement. It’s all indelibly etched into my being, and has profoundly impacted who I am today. My prayer on this anniversary each year is for peace and healing. – Judith Burgess ’89

#neverforget. To the friends on that flight- you will never be forgotten. – Linda Epstein ’89

As a student in music education in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, our chorus had the honor of singing at the first memorial service. – Marisa Fagliarone G’90

Honoring Miriam Wolfe and all my classmates. Sending so much love to all of the families. – Jessica Genick ’89, P’26

I attended the DIPA program in the spring of 1989. One of the students who died on Pan Am 103 was supposed to take my housing space in my fall semester at SU. We were all shocked and deeply saddened by the terrorist attack. – Jonathan Glenn ’90

Their light was so bright and it continues to shine. – Cachelle Guadagnino ’89

Christopher “Shrub” Jones was a good friend with a great sense of humor and an adventurous spirit. A great day would be meeting up at Chuck’s on M Street after classes enjoying a pitcher of beer with friends, trays of popcorn and sharing laughs together. I didn’t find out until just a few years ago that he was seated next to another friend, Gretchen Dater, on the flight (thanks to his mom’s diligent effort to recreate the seating plan). I’m glad they were together. May they continue to rest in peace. – Geneve Hendricks ’90

I think about Amy Shapiro every day at some point. As the sun shines through my window I think of her and her friendship. I miss you my friend and feel blessed to have known you. – Michele Hennessy ’89

Karen, Theo, Miriam, Nicole, Turhan, Alex… I think of each of you, not just on this day, but all throughout the year. You are NEVER forgotten and will always be a part of my heart. – Lauren Henry ’90

Holding tight our sweet, dear friends! So blessed and grateful to have had such amazing adventures abroad all together. 💗 We miss you. You will always be a part of us. xo – Lauren Jordahl ’89

In memoriam of Wendy Lincoln, for whom I represented during my Remembrance Scholar year, 2006. – Jessica Kershaw ’07

I was thinking about taking that semester overseas and might been on that flight. – Donald Lane G’87

I was a Remembrance Scholar. It was an honor back then and still means so much to me to this day. I continue to help others every day in my career and life as a way to honor the memory of those lost. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this ceremony. – Laurie Lazovick ’97

I was a 2018–19 Remembrance Scholar representing Shannon Davis. I was so grateful to have met Shannon’s mom at the rose laying ceremony. I will remember it forever. – Mary Mik ’19

Alex, Rick and all my other ’Cuse Londoners shall forever remain in my thoughts, prayers and my being until my last breath. – Benjamin Podolnick ’90

Karen Hunt lived next door to me in Day Hall freshman year and then went off to study in London the following fall. I felt so close to her, but only knew her for one brief year. She was one of the precious souls lost on Pan Am 103, headed home after what was probably incredible experience in her young life. Karen remains in my heart forever and always, she will never be forgotten. – Loren Rigney ’91

I’m grateful for having known Turhan and Suzanne who were on the flight. Praying for peace and love in the world. – Donna Rossi ’88

Alexia – In our hearts and never forgotten. – Michelle Schreier ’90

In loving memory of my classmate and friend, Suzanne Miazga. Your light continues to shine through the darkness of today because you know we need each other. I am very grateful to have known you. Blessings to your family. – Sharon Topp G’91

Remembering my student Shannon Davis… – Stephen Thorley G’02, P’14